School Improvement Council (SIC)
SIC is a broad-based community advisory group comprised of parents, teachers, and community members established in every school. This advisory group works with the principal to cultivate a positive school environment supporting student success.
SIC Elected officers
- SIC Chairperson-Frank Ramirez
- SIC Vice Chairperson-Joy Hazard
- Secretary-Koasta Bates
- Teacher Elect-Malinda Schurlknight
SIC Duties - (PowerPoint Presentation) Website Resources
Training Videos
The Basics of Organizing an SIC
The Basics of Operating an SIC
See Attached PowerPoint on SIC Duties taken from the video above.
SIC Information
This is Your SIC - A Handbook for Effectiveness
SIC Annual Compliance Checklist (PDF)
Reporting to the State
SIC Meeting Agendas & Minutes
- August 19, 2024
- September 16, 2024
- October 21, 2024
- November 18, 2024
- December 16, 2024
- January 27, 2025
- February 24, 2025
- March 17, 2025
- April 28, 2025
- May 19, 2025
- May 14, 2024
- April 8, 2024
- March 11, 2024
- February 12, 2024
- January 8, 2024
- December 4, 2023
- November 6, 2023
- October 9, 2023
- September 18, 2023
August 19, 2024
William Reeves Elementary School
1003 Dubose School Road
Summerville, SC 29483
Vision: Inspire, Engage, Achieve
Mission: RES is committed to motivating and challenging each student to chart a course for successful learning.
Motto: Marlins ROCK and ROLL
Principal: Natalie Hayes Assistant Principal: Katie Myers Assistant Principal: Melissa Mitchum
School Improvement Council (SIC) and Title One Annual Meeting
Monday, August 19, 2024 at 7:30 am
I. What is School Improvement Council (SIC)? (Mrs. Hayes)
a. SIC Bylaws (Mrs. Myers)
b. Elect Chairpersons (SIC President, SIC Vice President, SIC Secretary) (Mrs. Myers)
i. SIC Chairperson:
ii. SIC Vice Chairperson:
iii. SIC Secretary:
iv. Teacher elect:
v. Community member:
II. Reeves Elementary School Goals 2024-2025 (Mrs. Hayes)
a. Goal 1 (Culture/Community) Continue to create an environment where teachers, students, parents, and community members feel valued.
b. Goal 2 (Academic Achievement) Increase student achievement in all areas by using the problem-solving indicator and motivating students indicator.
c. Goal 3 (Instruction) Include technology to enhance lessons and instruction. Use technology to challenge, engage, and motivate students to achieve.
III. SIC Goal 2024-2025 (Mrs. Hayes)
IV. Annual Title One Meeting 2024-2025 (Mrs. Bates)
i. Student Achievement
1. Intervention teachers to help meet the needs of students in reading
ii. Staff Development
1. Training faculty members on research-based strategies to help all learners.
iii. Parent Involvement
1. Monthly events for all families
V. Read to Succeed (Mrs. Bates)
VI. PBIS (Mrs. Shelley)
VII. Upcoming Events
a. Bingo and Books Grandparents Night and Book Fair: Thursday, September 19th at 5:00 pm-7:00 pm
VIII. Questions/Concerns
William Reeves Elementary School
1003 Dubose School Road
Summerville, SC 29483
Vision: Inspire, Engage, Achieve
Mission: RES is committed to motivating and challenging each student to chart a course for successful learning.
Motto: Marlins ROCK and ROLL
Principal: Natalie Hayes Assistant Principal: Katie Myers Assistant Principal: Melissa Mitchum
School Improvement Council (SIC) and Title One Annual Meeting
Monday, August 19, 2024 at 7:30 am
I. What is School Improvement Council (SIC)? (Mrs. Hayes)
a. SIC Bylaws (Mrs. Myers)
i. Mrs. Myers discussed the bylaws and the purpose for them. A copy of the bylaws will be emailed to families after the meeting.
b. Elect Chairpersons (SIC President, SIC Vice President, SIC Secretary) (Mrs. Myers)
i. SIC Chairperson: Joy Hazard
ii. SIC Vice Chairperson: Katya Culton
iii. SIC Secretary: Koasta Bates
iv. Teacher elect: Malinda Schurlknight and Tiffany Tate
v. Community member: Candace Creel
II. Reeves Elementary School Goals 2024-2025 (Mrs. Hayes)
a. Goal 1 (Culture/Community) Continue to create an environment where teachers, students, parents, and community members feel valued.
b. Goal 2 (Academic Achievement) Increase student achievement in all areas by using the problem-solving indicator and motivating students indicator.
c. Goal 3 (Instruction) Include technology to enhance lessons and instruction. Use technology to challenge, engage, and motivate students to achieve.
III. SIC Goal 2024-2025 (Mrs. Hayes)
a. Mrs. Hayes mentioned how WRES is doing LETRS and Capturing Kids Heart training.
b. The committee reviewed last year’s math fluency goal. We are going to include the Reflex program into our classes more and reward students for achieving green lights for mastering skills.
c. Mrs. Culton mentioned public speaking in the classroom. We explained how students can public speak in their classrooms.
IV. Annual Title One Meeting 2024-2025 (Mrs. Bates)
i. Student Achievement
1. Intervention teachers to help meet the needs of students in reading
ii. Staff Development
1. Training faculty members on research-based strategies to help all learners.
iii. Parent Involvement
1. Monthly events for all families
V. Read to Succeed (Mrs. Bates)
a. Any student scoring Not Met on SC Ready may have to attend Summer Reading Camp (SRC) or repeat third grade.
VI. PBIS (Mrs. Shelley)
a. Mrs. Shelley reviewed our PBIS incentives and schoolwide events.
VII. Upcoming Events
a. Bingo and Books Grandparents Night and Book Fair: Thursday, September 19th at 5:00 pm-7:00 pm
VIII. Questions/Concerns
a. Mr. Ramirez asked about how we incorporate ML families into our culture.
i. We discussed how our Morning Show highlights different cultures. Mrs. Garcia translates all the information to our ML families.
William Reeves Jr. Elementary School
School Improvement Council Bylaws
Article 1
The name of the organization is the William Reeves Jr. Elementary School Improvement Council.
Article 2
(A) The purpose of the William Reeves Jr. School Improvement Council/Title I Planning Team is to:
(1) assist in the development, implementation, monitoring, and evaluation of the five-year School Improvement Plan (also known as the "School Renewal Plan" or "Strategic Plan");
(2) assist in the preparation of yearly Title I Plan updates;
Title I is a federal program that gives funds to schools in need based on student enrollment, the free and reduced lunch percentage for each school, and other informative data.
(3) assist the school in the development and implementation of the School Reading Plan as required by the Read to Succeed Act (A state-funded program created to address literacy performance in SC);
(4) write the annual SIC Report to the Parents, which is to be distributed no later than April 30 of each year;
(5) prepare, together with the Principal, the annual narrative for the SC School Report Card;
(6) provide advice on the use of school incentive award expenditures (if allocated by the legislature and awarded to the school);
(7) provide other assistance as requested by the Principal or local school board.
(B) The Council will not have the powers and duties reserved by law or regulation to the local school board.
Article 3
(A) The SIC will be made up of the following representatives:
(1) Two parents elected by parents of students enrolled in the school.
(2) Two teachers elected by teachers assigned to the school.
(3) Two members of the local community appointed by the Principal. The Principal will make these appointments from the non-parent portion of the community and will strive to make appointments that reflect the diversity of the student body and local community.
(4) The Principal as an ex-officio member of the SIC.
(5) Two ex-officio members in addition to the Principal: the current Teacher of the Year and the current PTA/PTO Chairperson. If an individual holding an ex-officio position is unable to serve on the SIC for any reason, an appropriate substitute shall be named by the organization that individual represents.
(B) The SIC shall at all times be made up of a total of twice as many elected members as appointed members as required by state law. Ex-officio members are not counted in this calculation.
(C) Each elected and appointed member of the SIC shall have one vote. The Principal as an ex-officio member shall also have one vote.
(D) Ex-officio positions in addition to the Principal may only be created by the SIC through a properly adopted amendment to these bylaws. These additional ex-officio members have a voice but shall not be voting members of the SIC.
(E) No SIC member may vote by absentee ballot or proxy.
Article 4
(A) Nominations and elections for SIC parent and teacher representatives will be held each year no later than October 5th. The Principal will appoint community member representatives, in consultation with elected SIC members, no later than October 5th of each year. Council members will assume their responsibilities immediately upon their election or appointment.
(B) Teachers will name and elect their representatives by October 5th.
(C) The SIC will keep the results of SIC parent and teacher elections on file, including the vote totals for all candidates, for a period of at least two years.
(D) In order to comply with state law reporting requirements, the Principal or his/her designee will enter the names and contact information for the current school year's SIC members into the online SC-SIC Member Network no later than November 15.
(E) The SIC Committee Member will ensure that the names of all SIC members for the current school year are posted on the school website and/or published in the school newsletter.
Article 5
(A) The term of office for elected SIC members is two (2) years. For appointed SIC members, the term of office is one (1) year. If an elected or appointed member will have to leave SIC before their term, the principal may name a new member.
(B) The term of office for an ex-officio member of the SIC will continue for as long as that individual holds the position or office that is represented on the SIC.
(C) There is no limit on the number of terms that an SIC member may serve.
Article 6
(A) The officers of the William Reeves Jr. Elementary School Improvement Council will consist of a Chairperson, Vice Chairperson, and Secretary. The SIC will elect these officers from among its elected and appointed members.
(B) Any elected or appointed SIC member is eligible to run for SIC office except that all three officer positions may not be held at the same time by the same representative. Ex-officio members, including the Principal, are not eligible to serve as, or vote in the election of, SIC officers.
Article 7
(A) The Chairperson will preside at all meetings and have general supervision of the activities of the SIC. The Chairperson will work in partnership with the Principal in planning and directing the activities of the Council.
The Chairperson, in consultation with the Principal, will prepare the agenda for all SIC meetings and ensure that the agenda is sent to all Council members in a timely manner, but no later than 24 hours prior to the meeting. The Chairperson retains the right to modify the agenda if it is determined to be in the best interest of the Council and direct the pace of the meeting as best accomplishes the agenda. The Chairperson will appoint members to standing and temporary committees as needed and serve as an ex-officio member of all committees.
(B) The Vice Chairperson will preside at meetings in the absence of the Chairperson and assist the Chairperson as requested.
(C) The Secretary is responsible for:
(1) Keeping a full and accurate account of the proceedings and actions of all SIC meetings (minutes) and ensuring that each Council member receives this information in a timely fashion following each meeting;
(2) Preparing any official correspondence that the Chairperson may request;
(3) Ensuring that the SIC maintains a file in the school's administrative offices that contains copies of past meeting agendas, minutes, sign-in sheets, Council correspondence, SIC Reports to the Parents and the SIC bylaws.
(4) Maintaining a contact list of all SIC members that includes current telephone numbers, addresses and, whenever available, e-mail addresses.
Article 8
(A) SIC membership shall terminate immediately upon the following:
(1) a parent representative no longer has a child enrolled in the school;
(2) a teacher representative no longer holds a teaching position at the school;
(3) an elected or appointed member is elected to the district school board.
(B) In the event that an elected or appointed parent or teacher representative's membership terminates before the end of his/her term, the SIC Chairperson, in consultation with the Principal, shall appoint another eligible parent or teacher as appropriate to fill the vacancy for the remainder of the term.
Article 10
(A) The first regular SIC meeting of the school year will be held no later than 4 weeks after school has started.
(B) During the first meeting, the SIC will set a regular meeting schedule for the remainder of the school year. The schedule will be posted on the school website, included in the monthly school calendar, and/or otherwise posted in a prominent location in the school. The SIC will strive to schedule regular SIC meetings on days and times that meet the needs and preferences of parents and community members as well as teachers and administrators.
(C) The SIC will meet monthly during the school year, except that the SIC may choose not to schedule a meeting in December or May. The SIC Chairperson or Principal may call additional special meetings so long as all Council members are notified of the meeting at least 24 hours in advance.
(D) All SIC meetings are open to the public and anyone showing an interest in the SIC and its activities will be encouraged to attend. The Chairperson has the option to schedule a segment of the agenda for open comments from the public as needed and as time permits.
(E) The Principal or his/her designee will be scheduled on the agenda of every regular SIC meeting to share information on school activities, successes and concerns.
Article 11
(A) Whenever possible, the SIC will make decisions by consensus. If voting is necessary, a simple majority vote will be sufficient to constitute an action of the SIC. A simple majority of the voting members of the Council will constitute a quorum so long as at least one parent and one teacher representative are present. Should at least a parent or a teacher can not be present at the meeting, SIC would give them the option to vote electronically via email within a 48 hours window.
Article 12
(A) These bylaws may be amended at any regular SIC meeting by a two-thirds vote of those present provided that (1) the amendments were previously introduced at a regularly scheduled meeting held within the last three months, (2) were included in the minutes of that meeting and distributed to all members, and (3) are listed as an agenda item for the current meeting.
September 16, 2024
William Reeves Elementary School
1003 Dubose School Road
Summerville, SC 29483
Vision: Inspire, Engage, Achieve
Mission: RES is committed to motivating and challenging each student to chart a course for successful learning.
Motto: Marlins ROCK and ROLL
Principal: Natalie Hayes Assistant Principal: Katie Myers Assistant Principal: Melissa Mitchum
School Improvement Council (SIC) and Title One Annual Meeting
Monday, September 16, 2024 at 7:30 am
I. SIC Goal 2024-2025 (Mrs. Hayes)
II. Capturing Kids’ Hearts (Mrs. Hayes)
III. PBIS (Mrs. Shelley)
IV. MAP data (Mrs. Bates)
V. SC Ready (Mrs. Bates)
a. MAT vs. AVT
VI. Upcoming Events
a. Bingo and Books Grandparents Night and Book Fair: Thursday, September 19th at 5:00 pm-7:00 pm
VII. Questions/Concerns
October 21, 2024
November 18, 2024
December 16, 2024
January 27, 2025
February 24, 2025
March 17, 2025
April 28, 2025
May 19, 2025
May 14, 2024
William Reeves Elementary School
1003 Dubose School Road
Summerville, SC 29483
Vision: Inspire, Engage, Achieve
Mission: RES is committed to motivating and challenging each student to chart a course for successful learning.
Motto: Marlins ROCK and ROLL
Principal: Natalie Hayes Assistant Principal: Katie Myers Assistant Principal: Melissa Mitchum
School Improvement Council (SIC) Meeting
Tuesday, May 14, 2024 7:30 am
I. SIC Goal 2023-2024 (Mrs. Hayes)
II. Suggested SIC Goal for 2024-2025 (Mr. Ramirez)
I. English Learner Family Committee
III. SIC Narrative (Mrs. Bates)
IV. PBIS (Mrs. Shelley)
V. Counseling Advisory Council (Mrs. Shelley and Ms. Jefferson)
VI. Upcoming Events
I. Rising Kindergarten Night on Thursday, May 16th at 5:00 pm
II. Fresh for All Food Distribution on Saturday, May 18th from 10:00am-12:00 pm
VII. Questions/Concerns
William Reeves Elementary School
1003 Dubose School Road
Summerville, SC 29483
Vision: Inspire, Engage, Achieve
Mission: RES is committed to motivating and challenging each student to chart a course for successful learning.
Motto: Marlins ROCK and ROLL
Principal: Natalie Hayes Assistant Principal: Katie Myers Assistant Principal: Melissa Mitchum
School Improvement Council (SIC) Meeting
Tuesday, May 14, 2024 7:30 am
Attendance: Koasta Bates, Katie Myers, Blair Shelley, Ineca Jefferson, Frank Ramirez, Katya Culton, Shawna Nancy, Jessica Wright, Malinda Schurlknight
I. SIC Goal 2023-2024 (Mrs. Bates)
I. Our Friday Math Fluency Challenges have been successful this year.
II. Total of students earning 20 stickers for the kid’s meal:
i. Third grade: 7
ii. Fourth grade: 28
iii. Fifth grade: 36
III. Total of students earning 30 or more stickers:
i. Fourth grade: 1
ii. Fifth grade: 2
IV. Suggestion: Next year, can students pick either a trip to the Marlin Mall, kid’s meal, or more points? Something not food related
II. Suggested SIC Goal for 2024-2025 (Mr. Ramirez)
I. English Learner Family Committee
i. Mrs. Nalley suggested forming a volunteer committee to help at parent events. Mrs. Culton volunteered to help with the Spanish portion of the events.
ii. Mrs. Bates suggested sending her suggestions for different parent events next year geared towards ML families.
III. SIC Narrative (Mrs. Bates)
I. Mr. Ramirez asked about the phrase, “World Class Skills of the Profile of the South Carolina Graduate”.
i. The phrase is from the South Carolina Department of Education so we used their wordage.
IV. PBIS (Mrs. Shelley)
I. Mrs. Shelley shared the recent data for the system. We are brainstorming new ideas for the store and incentives for next year.
II. Water Jump Castle Day will be Friday, May 31st.
III. Mr. Ramirez suggested reaching out to local businesses for raffle items like the River Dogs tickets.
V. Counseling Advisory Council (Mrs. Shelley and Ms. Jefferson)
I. Goal 1: Closing the gap action plan 4th and 5th grade students with failed grades for reading or math.
i. Quarter 3 2023-15 now Quarter 3 2024-0
II. Goal 2: Closing the gap action plan 3rd grade students with discipline referrals after small group and mentoring
i. Mr. Ramirez asked what a “discipline referral” is. Ms. Jefferson explained how admin would be called for these incidents.
ii. Mr. Ramirez asked if teachers could pull reports about missing grades. Mrs. Shelley explained how teachers and
administrators can pull reports based on different information.
VI. Upcoming Events
I. Rising Kindergarten Night on Thursday, May 16th at 5:00 pm
II. Fresh for All Food Distribution on Saturday, May 18th from 10:00am-12:00 pm
VII. Questions/Concerns
April 8, 2024
William Reeves Elementary School
1003 Dubose School Road
Summerville, SC 29483
Vision: Inspire, Engage, Achieve
Mission: RES is committed to motivating and challenging each student to chart a course for successful learning.
Motto: Marlins ROCK and ROLL
Principal: Natalie Hayes Assistant Principal: Katie Myers Assistant Principal: Melissa Mitchum
School Improvement Council (SIC) and Title One Planning Meeting
Monday, April 8, 2024 7:30 am
I. SIC Goal 2023-2024 (Mrs. Hayes)
II. PBIS (Mrs. Shelley)
III. Annual Title One Planning Meeting
I. District Parent Brochure
IV. Upcoming Events
V. Questions/Concerns
William Reeves Elementary School
1003 Dubose School Road
Summerville, SC 29483
Vision: Inspire, Engage, Achieve
Mission: RES is committed to motivating and challenging each student to chart a course for successful learning.
Motto: Marlins ROCK and ROLL
Principal: Natalie Hayes Assistant Principal: Katie Myers Assistant Principal: Melissa Mitchum
School Improvement Council (SIC) and Title One Planning Meeting
Monday, April 8, 2024 7:30 am
Notes: Natalie Hayes, Katie Myers, Melissa Mitchum, Koasta Bates, Blair Shelley, Ineca Jefferson, Candace Creel, Tiffany Tate, Malinda Schurlknight, Morgan Johnston, Shawna Nalley, Jessica Wright, Katya Culton, Jamie Davis, Carlissa Cleveland
I. SIC Goal 2023-2024 (Mrs. Hayes)
I. We have second rounds of students earning 20 stickers to get their happy meals.
II. We started all four operations last week.
II. PBIS (Mrs. Shelley)
I. We just had our third quarter jump castle celebration and will have our fourth quarter water
III. Annual Title One Planning Meeting
I. Current Title I strategies and plan
i. Discussion of intervention teacher, staff development, and parenting involvement events.
ii. Next year’s budget will be cut by at least 10% but we do not have a preliminary budget yet.
1. The district will be using Title funds to pay for schoolwide Professional Development coaches for the district again next year.
2. We are hopeful to have funds for intervention teachers for reading, math, and ESOL instruction.
II. William M. Reeves Elementary School’s Parent and District Title I Brochure (Parent Involvement Policy) 2023-20234
i. Mrs. Myers reviewed the brochure with the SIC Committee. At this time, no comments were made or additional suggestions were made to the brochure.
III. William M. Reeves Elementary School Parent and School Compact
i. Mrs. Bates reviewed the compact asking for feedback. No feedback was given.
ii. We will continue to use 48 business hours as our timely manner for responding to parents/guardians.
IV. Evaluate parent involvement activities from the 2023-2024 school year
i. Parents mentioned really liking the Grocery Games Math Night and think more families would attend next year because of word of mouth about the event.
ii. No other suggestions or feedback was given.
V. Plan parent involvement activities for the 2024-2025 school year
i. Mrs. Bates discussed how we will have one parenting event a month next year. She mentioned how the Sweetheart Dance will need to be separate nights based on grade levels (4k-2nd grade then 3rd-5th grades) due to our size of our school.
IV. Upcoming Events
I. Fine Arts Showcase-Thursday, April 18th starting at 5 pm
V. Questions/Concerns
March 11, 2024
William Reeves Elementary School
1003 Dubose School Road Summerville, SC 29483
Vision: Inspire, Engage, Achieve
Mission: RES is committed to motivating and challenging each student to chart a course for successful learning. Motto: Marlins ROCK and ROLL
Principal: Natalie Hayes Assistant Principal: Katie Myers Assistant Principal: Melissa Mitchum
School Improvement Council (SIC) and Title One Planning Meeting
Monday, March 11, 2024 7:30 am
Attendance: Natalie Hayes, Koasta Bates, Katie Myers, Jennifer Decosta, Tiffany Tate, Malinda Schurlknight, Frank Ramirez, Katya Culton, Candace Creel, Sharon Anderson, Shawna Nalley, Jessica Wright, Blair Shelley, Morgan Johnston Notes:
I. SIC Goal 2023-2024 (Mrs. Hayes)
I. We have completed all operations and now working with mixed operations.
II. Students are growing and many have earned at least 20 stickers so they will get their kid’s meal soon.
II. PBIS (Mrs. Shelley)
I. Mrs. Shelley just replenished the PBIS store.
II. Third quarter incentive will be jump castles on March 21st.
III. SC Report Card Parent Survey (Mrs. Bates)
I. The report survey is open now for all families to complete. Families can access it using Powerschool and the forms section.
IV. Upcoming Events
I. Level Up Fun Run on Friday, March 15th
V. Questions/Concerns
Mr. Ramirez would like the PBIS raffle items stored with parents prior the raffle.
William Reeves Elementary School
1003 Dubose School Road Summerville, SC 29483
Vision: Inspire, Engage, Achieve
Mission: RES is committed to motivating and challenging each student to chart a course for successful learning. Motto: Marlins ROCK and ROLL
Principal: Natalie Hayes Assistant Principal: Katie Myers Assistant Principal: Melissa Mitchum
School Improvement Council (SIC) and Title One Planning Meeting Monday, March 11, 2024 7:30 am Agenda:
I. SIC Goal 2023-2024 (Mrs. Hayes)
II. PBIS (Mrs. Shelley)
III. SC Report Card Parent Survey (Mrs. Bates)
IV. Upcoming Events
I. Level Up Fun Run on Friday, March 15th
V. Questions/Concerns
February 12, 2024
William Reeves Elementary School
1003 Dubose School Road
Summerville, SC 29483
Vision: Inspire, Engage, Achieve
Mission: RES is committed to motivating and challenging each student to chart a course for successful learning.
Motto: Marlins ROCK and ROLL
Principal: Natalie Hayes Assistant Principal: Katie Myers Assistant Principal: Melissa Mitchum
School Improvement Council (SIC) and Title One Planning Meeting
Monday, February 12, 2024 7:30 am
I. SIC Goal 2023-2024 (Mrs. Hayes)
II. PBIS (Mrs. Shelley)
III. New SC Report Card calculations (Mrs. Bates)
IV. New SC ELA curriculum (Mrs. Myers)
V. Upcoming Events
I. Book Fair Night-February 28th at 5:30 pm-7:00 pm
VI. Questions/Concerns
William Reeves Elementary School
1003 Dubose School Road
Summerville, SC 29483
Vision: Inspire, Engage, Achieve
Mission: RES is committed to motivating and challenging each student to chart a course for successful learning.
Motto: Marlins ROCK and ROLL
Principal: Natalie Hayes Assistant Principal: Katie Myers Assistant Principal: Melissa Mitchum
School Improvement Council (SIC) and Title One Planning Meeting
Monday, February 12, 2024 7:30 am
Attendance: Natalie Hayes, Katie Myers, Melissa Mitchum, Koasta Bates, Blair Shelley, Morgan Johnston, Tiffany Tate, Candace Creel, Malinda
Schurlknight, Jessica Wright, Sharon Anderson, Shawna Nalley, Katya Culton, Jennifer DeCosta, Frank Ramirez, Ineca Jefferson Notes:
I. SIC Goal 2023-2024 (Mrs. Hayes)
I. We just finished three weeks of division. Students did well with the skill. We will mix facts for the rest of the year. Teachers have seen a
II. PBIS (Mrs. Shelley)
I. We just had our Talent Show for the second quarter incentive. Mrs. Shelley said the quarterly class winners and awards. II. Third quarter incentive will be jump castles then water jump castles at the end of the year.
III. The No Discipline Party incentives were helpful as well as reviewing schoolwide procedures after Winter Break.
III. New SC Report Card (Mrs. Bates)
I. Every student is assigned an average, or median, annual target (MAT) by the SCDE that is set at the 50th percentile of historical growth for each grade, subject, and achievement level on the SC READY math and ELA exams.
II. The SCDE currently determines a student’s Added-Value Target based on a student’s previous year’s performance on SC READY ELA and math. Currently, goals are based on 6 “growth categories” that match the SC READY Performance Levels (Does Not Meet 1, Does Not Meet 2, Approaches 1, Approaches 2, Meets, and Exceeds).
III. The SCReady Science test this year will be a field test.
IV. New SC ELA curriculum (Mrs. Myers)
I. The new SC ELA standards will go into effect for the 2024-2025 school year.
II. Teachers are picking the curriculum they would like to use in the classroom for next year.
V. Upcoming Events
I. Book Fair Night-February 29th at 5:30 pm-7:00 pm
VI. Questions/Concerns I. None
January 8, 2024
William Reeves Elementary School
1003 Dubose School Road Summerville, SC 29483
Vision: Inspire, Engage, Achieve
Mission: RES is committed to motivating and challenging each student to chart a course for successful learning. Motto: Marlins ROCK and ROLL
Principal: Natalie Hayes Assistant Principal: Katie Myers Assistant Principal: Melissa Mitchum
School Improvement Council (SIC) and Title One Planning Meeting Monday, January 8, 2024 7:30 am Agenda:
I. SIC Goal 2023-2024 (Mrs. Hayes)
II. PBIS (Mrs. Shelley)
III. MAP data (Mrs. Bates)
IV. Upcoming Events
I. Rescheduled Winter World Music and Chorus Concert on Thursday, January 18th starting at 5:30 pm
V. Questions/Concerns
William Reeves Elementary School
1003 Dubose School Road Summerville, SC 29483
Vision: Inspire, Engage, Achieve
Mission: RES is committed to motivating and challenging each student to chart a course for successful learning. Motto: Marlins ROCK and ROLL
Principal: Natalie Hayes Assistant Principal: Katie Myers Assistant Principal: Melissa Mitchum
School Improvement Council (SIC) and Title One Planning Meeting
Monday, January 8, 2024 7:30 am
Attendance: Natalie Hayes, Katie Myers, Koasta Bates, Blair Shelley, Candace Creel, Malinda Schurlknight, Will Littrell, Jessica Wright, Sharon Anderson, Shawna Nalley, Katya Culton, Morgan Johnston, and Frank Ramirez Notes:
I. SIC Goal 2023-2024 (Mrs. Hayes)
I. Mrs. Hayes reviewed the math fact fluency data for 3-5th grades.
II. PBIS (Mrs. Shelley)
I. The admin team went over all the procedures for all students and reviewed PBIS data the week back from Winter Break. II. Next PBIS event will be Friday, January 19th for the Talent Show. Parents are welcome to attend during the day too.
III. MAP data (Mrs. Bates)
I. Mrs. Bates reviewed winter MAP data. WRES is aligned or above the national norms for winter.
IV. Upcoming Events
I. Rescheduled Winter World Music and Chorus Concert on Thursday, January 18th starting at 5:30 pm
V. Questions/Concerns
I. Mr. Ramirez asked about Flash Dads. Our admin team is planning to discuss it at today’s admin team meeting. II. Mrs. Hayes introduced our new SRO, Will Littrell. Deputy Will gave his background to the committee.
December 4, 2023
William Reeves Elementary School
1003 Dubose School Road Summerville, SC 29483
Vision: Inspire, Engage, Achieve
Mission: RES is committed to motivating and challenging each student to chart a course for successful learning. Motto: Marlins ROCK and ROLL
Principal: Natalie Hayes Assistant Principal: Katie Myers Assistant Principal: Melissa Mitchum
School Improvement Council (SIC) and Title One Planning Meeting Monday, December 4, 2023 7:30 am Agenda:
I. SIC Goal 2023-2024 (Mrs. Hayes)
II. PBIS (Mrs. Shelley and Ms. Jefferson)
III. Flash Dads (Mr. Ramirez)
IV. Project Adam (Nurse Holly)
V. Upcoming Events
I. Winter World Music and Chorus Concert on Thursday, December 14th starting at 5:30 pm
VI. Questions/Concerns
William Reeves Elementary School
1003 Dubose School Road Summerville, SC 29483
Vision: Inspire, Engage, Achieve
Mission: RES is committed to motivating and challenging each student to chart a course for successful learning. Motto: Marlins ROCK and ROLL
Principal: Natalie Hayes Assistant Principal: Katie Myers Assistant Principal: Melissa Mitchum
School Improvement Council (SIC) and Title One Planning Meeting
Monday, December 4, 2023 7:30 am
Attendance: Natalie Hayes, Melissa Mitchum, Katie Myers, Koasta Bates, Blair Shelley, Ineca Jefferson, Samantha Hunzinger, Jessica Wright, Shawna Nalley, Frank Ramirez, Katya Culton, Tiffany Tate, Malinda Schurlknight, Carlissa Cleveland, Jennifer Tierney Notes:
I. SIC Goal 2023-2024 (Mrs. Hayes)
I. We are on the second set of multiplication fluency facts. We will continue with multiplication for three more weeks then in January we start division then mixed skills.
II. We will have a double sticker day on Friday, December 15th for students.
II. PBIS (Mrs. Shelley and Ms. Jefferson)
I. We have doubled point value for students. Raffles are going well.
II. Second quarter celebration will be the student talent show in January. Parents can come to the talent show too.
III. Flash Dads (Mr. Ramirez)
I. Mr. Ramirez discussed the importance of male role models in schools. A school in Kentucky has male role models come to give high fives to students a few times a year. The male role models are from the school family which can include dads, grandpas, uncles, cousins, brothers, etc.
IV. Project Adam (Nurse Holly)
I. We will do a Project Adam drill on Wednesday, December 6th after the students are dismissed.
V. Upcoming Events
I. Winter World Music and Chorus Concert on Thursday, December 14th starting at 5:30 pm.
VI. Questions/Concerns
I. Deputy Mack will be working in the detective agency starting in January. We will have a new SRO.
II. Mr. Ramirez asked about the school menu concerning a vegetarian option. Mrs. Hayes will check this and let Mr. Ramirez know once she knows.
III. Mrs. Tierney asked about a wish list for staff. Teachers have a personal wish list for their families to send in gifts.
IV. Mr. Ramirez asked about a schoolwide Angel Tree program. Mrs. Shelley explained how WRES conducts our Angel Tree program with 27 students on the tree which were adopted by WRES staff.
November 6, 2023
William Reeves Elementary School
1003 Dubose School Road
Summerville, SC 29483
Vision: Inspire, Engage, Achieve
Mission: RES is committed to motivating and challenging each student to chart a course for successful learning.
Motto: Marlins ROCK and ROLL
Principal: Natalie Hayes Assistant Principal: Katie Myers Assistant Principal: Melissa Mitchum
School Improvement Council (SIC) and Title One Planning Meeting
Monday, November 6, 2023 7:30 am
I. SIC Goal 2023-2024 (Mrs. Hayes)
II. SC Report Card (Mrs. Hayes)
III. PBIS (Mrs. Shelley and Ms. Jefferson)
IV. Counseling Advisory Council (Mrs. Shelley and Ms. Jefferson)
V. Free/Reduced Lunch for WRES (Mrs. Bates)
VI. Upcoming Events
I. Veterans Day Ceremony-Friday, November 10th at 8 am
II. Grocery Games Math Night-Thursday, November 30th at 5:30 pm at Walmart Marketplace on Central Avenue
VII. Questions/Concerns
William Reeves Elementary School
1003 Dubose School Road
Summerville, SC 29483
Vision: Inspire, Engage, Achieve
Mission: RES is committed to motivating and challenging each student to chart a course for successful learning.
Motto: Marlins ROCK and ROLL
Principal: Natalie Hayes Assistant Principal: Katie Myers Assistant Principal: Melissa Mitchum
School Improvement Council (SIC) and Title One Planning Meeting
Monday, November 6, 2023 7:30 am
Attendance: Natalie Hayes, Melissa Mitchum, Koasta Bates, Blair Shelley, Ineca Jefferson, Katya Culton, Jamie Davis, Shawna Nalley, Jenn Tierney, Sharon Anderson, Candace Creel, Tiffany Tate, Malinda Schurlknight, Carlissa Cleveland
I. SIC Goal 2023-2024 (Mrs. Hayes)
I. Currently working on multiplication (0, 1, 2, 5, 10) for the next three weeks
II. We will move to all of multiplication in December then division before mixing facts.
II. SC Report Card (Mrs. Hayes)
I. WRES is EXCELLENT with 64 points.
II. We are a high achieving school. The grow indicator will weigh more in next year’s SC Report Card.
i. We are still trying to grow all students in all areas.
III. PBIS (Mrs. Shelley and Ms. Jefferson)
I. We just had our schoolwide celebration, Trunk or Treat, with 50 trunks participating.
i. Thank you to Shawna Nalley and Jessica Wright for assembling the Barbie boxes for the Admin Team.
II. We will be discussing ways students can spend their points throughout the year.
i. We might increase points or get more additional big-ticket items.
IV. Counseling Advisory Council (Mrs. Shelley and Ms. Jefferson)
I. Goals for 23-24
i. Reduce third grade guidance referrals
1. Weekly small group sessions based on teacher recommendations
ii. Decrease failing grades in 4th/5th grades
1. Students are meeting with their mentors every Tuesday to work on accountability.
2. Each Admin Team member has adopted a fifth grade class to conference with each week to set goals and work on accountability.
II. We will begin the ASCA RAMP application this year. It is a three year program.
V. Free/Reduced Lunch for WRES (Mrs. Bates)
I. 45.01% WRES right now
II. Must be 49.5% to get the free breakfast/lunch
III. Mrs. Bates has reached out to the Lowcountry Food Bank a few more times but has not heard anything about distributing food at WRES again.
VI. Upcoming Events
I. Veterans Day Ceremony-Friday, November 10th at 8 am
II. Grocery Games Math Night-Thursday, November 30th at 5:30 pm at Walmart Marketplace on Central Avenue
VII. Questions/Concerns
I. None at this time.
October 9, 2023
William Reeves Elementary School
1003 Dubose School Road
Summerville, SC 29483
Vision: Inspire, Engage, Achieve
Mission: RES is committed to motivating and challenging each student to chart a course for successful learning.
Motto: Marlins ROCK and ROLL
Principal: Natalie Hayes Assistant Principal: Katie Myers Assistant Principal: Melissa Mitchum
School Improvement Council (SIC) and Title One Planning Meeting
Monday, October 9, 2023 7:30 am
I. SIC Bylaws (Mrs. Myers)
II. SIC Goal 2023-2024 (Mrs. Hayes)
III. PBIS (Mrs. Shelley and Ms. Jefferson)
IV. Upcoming Events
I. Fall Carnival-Friday, October 13th at 5-7 pm
V. Questions/Concerns
William Reeves Elementary School
1003 Dubose School Road
Summerville, SC 29483
Vision: Inspire, Engage, Achieve
Mission: RES is committed to motivating and challenging each student to chart a course for successful learning.
Motto: Marlins ROCK and ROLL
Principal: Natalie Hayes Assistant Principal: Katie Myers Assistant Principal: Melissa Mitchum
School Improvement Council (SIC) and Title One Planning Meeting
Monday, October 9, 2023 7:30 am
Attendance: Natalie Hayes, Katie Myers, Koasta Bates, Frank Ramirez, Katya Culton, Shawna Nalley, Sharon Anderson, Jessica Wright, Carlissa Cleveland, Joy Hazard, Ineca Jefferson, Malinda Schurlknight, Blair Shelley, Jenn Tierney
I. SIC Bylaws (Mrs. Myers)
I. We will send out election forms at Facts and Fees next year to get more members.
II. Mrs. Myers reviewed
II. SIC Goal 2023-2024 (Mrs. Hayes)
I. We are in week 4 of our goal. Subtraction went better than addition which surprised us. There are about 12 students who have earned a stickers each week.
II. We have purchased Power Pens and cards to help with fact fluency in classrooms.
III. We are opened to having volunteers to help the
III. PBIS (Mrs. Shelley and Ms. Jefferson)
I. We have our first PBIS event which is Truck or Treat on Halloween. Students are using points to purchase tickets to come to the event during the school day.
II. We need candy donations which can be dropped off at the front office.
i. We are expecting non-candy donations for students with allergies. We make bags for those students to give them.
III. The quarterly PBIS point contest is going strong across the school.
IV. Students are going to the Marlin Mall as a class to use PBIS points to get incentives.
IV. Upcoming Events
I. Fall Carnival-Friday, October 13th at 5-7 pm
V. Questions/Concerns
I. Mrs. Hazard mentioned how her students love Prize Patrol.
II. A few parents asked about the poverty level of our school compared other schools who received free breakfast/lunch.
i. Mr. Ramirez asked about getting the food distribution again for WRES. Mrs. Bates explained how the Lowcountry Food Bank is the one who prioritizes which school gets the program each year. Mrs. Hazard said she knows someone at the LFB so she will reach out.
ii. Mrs. Bates will reach out to someone at the district again to find out about how school qualify for the free breakfast/lunch program.
September 18, 2023
William Reeves Elementary School
1003 Dubose School Road
Summerville, SC 29483
Vision: Inspire, Engage, AchieveMission: RES is committed to motivating and challenging each student to chart a course for successful learning.
Motto: Marlins ROCK and ROLL
Principal: Natalie Hayes Assistant Principal: Katie Myers Assistant Principal: Melissa Mitchum
School Improvement Council (SIC) and Title One Planning Meeting
I. What is School Improvement Council (SIC)? (Mrs. Hayes)
a. SIC Bylaws (Mrs. Myers)
b. Elect Chairpersons (SIC President, SIC Vice President, SIC Secretary) (Mrs. Myers)
i. SIC Chairperson:
ii. SIC Vice Chairperson:
iii. SIC Secretary:
iv. Teacher elect:
v. Community member:
II. Reeves Elementary School Goals 2023-2024 (Mrs. Hayes)
a. Goal 1 (Culture/Community) Continue to create an environment where teachers, students, parents, and community members feel valued.
b. Goal 2 (Academic Achievement) Increase student achievement in all areas by using the problem-solving indicator and motivating students indicator.
c. Goal 3 (Instruction) Include technology to enhance lessons and instruction. Use technology to challenge, engage, and motivate students to achieve.
III. SIC Goal 2023-2024 (Mrs. Hayes)
IV. Title One Plan 2023-2024 (Mrs. Bates)
ii. Staff Development
1. Training faculty members on research-based strategies to help all learners.
iii. Parent Involvement
1. Monthly events for all families
V. Read to Succeed (Mrs. Bates)
VI. PBIS (Mrs. Shelley and Ms. Jefferson)
VII. Upcoming Events
a. Bingo and Books Grandparents Night and Book Fair: Thursday, September 21st at 5:30 pm-7:00 pm
VIII. Questions/Concerns
William Reeves Elementary School
1003 Dubose School Road
Summerville, SC 29483
Vision: Inspire, Engage, Achieve
Mission: RES is committed to motivating and challenging each student to chart a course for successful learning.
Motto: Marlins ROCK and ROLL
School Improvement Council (SIC) and Title One Planning Meeting
Monday, September 18, 2023 7:30 am
Attendance: Natalie Hayes, Melissa Mitchum, Katie Myers, Koasta Bates, Frank Ramirez, Shawna Nalley, Tiffany Tate, Blair Shelley, Ineca Jefferson, Candace Creel, Joy Hazard, Jamie Davis, Sharon Anderson, Katya Culton, Jessica Wright, Joel Amaral, Jennifer Tierney, Carlissa Cleveland
IX. What is School Improvement Council (SIC)? (Mrs. Hayes)
a. Group of individuals involved in the school focusing on ways to improve the school.
b. SIC Bylaws (Mrs. Myers)
i. Bylaws will be sent via email after the meeting.
ii. Minutes need to be posted online with a backlog of six months each calendar year
c. Elect Chairpersons (SIC President, SIC Vice President, SIC Secretary) (Mrs. Myers)
i. SIC Chairperson: Frank Ramirez
ii. SIC Vice Chairperson: Joy Hazard
iii. SIC Secretary: Koasta Bates
iv. Teacher elect: Tiffany Tate and Malinda Schurlknight
v. Community member: Candace Creel
X. Reeves Elementary School Goals 2023-2024 (Mrs. Hayes)
a. Goal 1 (Culture/Community) Continue to create an environment where teachers, students, parents, and community members feel valued.
i. We celebrated new to WRES students the first week of school so we can begin building relationships.
b. Goal 2 (Academic Achievement) Increase student achievement in all areas by using the problem-solving indicator and motivating students indicator.
c. Goal 3 (Instruction) Include technology to enhance lessons and instruction. Use technology to challenge, engage, and motivate students to achieve.
XI. SIC Goal 2023-2024 (Mrs. Hayes)
a. Ideas for this year
i. Reviewed last year’s goal of Family Triple Bucks-huge success
ii. Math is a area to grow across the district.
1. Fact fluency knowledge is a struggle so students cannot move on to other concepts.
a. Mrs. Hayes reviewed how we are going into 3-5 grade rooms on Friday to help with fact fluency.
b. The SIC team would like this to be our SIC goal this year.
i. Could we send families a link to flashcards on the next parent email? Good idea. We will discuss how to implement this idea.
ii. Math games with thinking and reasoning skills are used in classrooms during DI group sessions.
XII. Title One Plan 2023-2024 (Mrs. Bates)
i. Student Achievement
1. Intervention teachers to help meet the needs of students in reading
a. Mary Jones, Toni Antley, Katie Hartwig, Kathie Figgins, and Martiza Garcia are our intervention teachers this year.
ii. Staff Development
1. Training faculty members on research-based strategies to help all learners.
a. Tiffany Tate is our PD Coach this year.
iii. Parent Involvement
1. Monthly events for all families
a. Reviewed events for this upcoming year
XIII. Read to Succeed (Mrs. Bates)
a. Mrs. Bates explained the Read to Succeed law and the third grade retention law.
XIV. PBIS (Mrs. Shelley and Ms. Jefferson)
a. Guidance counselors reviewed PBIS program at WRES as well as the incentives for students and staff this year.
i. Two No Discipline Parties this year
1. Students without any major discipline referrals will be allowed to attend in January and June.
XV. Upcoming Events
a. Bingo and Books Grandparents Night and Book Fair: Thursday, September 21st at 5:30 pm-7:00 pm
XVI. Questions/Concerns
a. Can we display math facts around the school? Good idea. We will discuss how to implement this idea.
b. Do we have a list of business partners? Mrs. Houston in the front office can provide the list.